The 8th Annual Arkansas Challenge was held on Oct 13, 2012 at the Clinton Presidential Center and Park. Complete with the largest gathering of wounded warriors in the state of Arkansas.

The 2012 Arkansas Challenge was presented by The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution and The AKANSA Chapter of Hot Springs Village.
Big thanks to our ride sponsors.
the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Akansa Chapter of HSV
the Clinton Presidential Center and Park
Andrea Rockefeller-Fulbright
Pinnacle Pointe Behavioral Hospital
Golden Corral
FIS- Fidelity Information Service
Springhill Storage
Kwick Kopy of Bryant
Arkansas National Guard Enlisted Assn
Herman and Sherry Martin
Everett Buick GMC in Bryant
American Legion Post One
Tender Loving Care Early Learning Center of Searcy
John Fulbright and 777 Logistics
Rolling Thunder Chap 2
Rolling Thunder Chap 1
Searcy Police Dept
Saline County Sheriff
Bryant Police
NLR Police
LR Convention and Visitors Bureau
Diamond Bear Brewery
Golden Eagle of Little Rock
Riders Ready Bike Shop
Phil McGrath and Bike City of Searcy
LR VA Med Center
Holiday Inn Express Airport
Bobbys Bike Hike
Big thanks to our ride sponsors.
the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Akansa Chapter of HSV
the Clinton Presidential Center and Park
Andrea Rockefeller-Fulbright
Pinnacle Pointe Behavioral Hospital
Golden Corral
FIS- Fidelity Information Service
Springhill Storage
Kwick Kopy of Bryant
Arkansas National Guard Enlisted Assn
Herman and Sherry Martin
Everett Buick GMC in Bryant
American Legion Post One
Tender Loving Care Early Learning Center of Searcy
John Fulbright and 777 Logistics
Rolling Thunder Chap 2
Rolling Thunder Chap 1
Searcy Police Dept
Saline County Sheriff
Bryant Police
NLR Police
LR Convention and Visitors Bureau
Diamond Bear Brewery
Golden Eagle of Little Rock
Riders Ready Bike Shop
Phil McGrath and Bike City of Searcy
LR VA Med Center
Holiday Inn Express Airport
Bobbys Bike Hike
Waiver must be completed by all riders.
Ride route for 2012 Arkansas Challenge
Ride start at Clinton Center from pad over Clinton Bridge. Rt on Riverfront Dr. Rt on Broadway. Rt On Hwy 165. Rest Stop at McSwains Ride will go Hwy 165 to Scott. (Long Rider option only Rt On Col Maynard Left On upper Steele Bend Left on State 161. Left on Hwy 165. ) Rest Stop at St Vincent Satellite Office. All go back HWY 165. Rest Stop at McSwains. Left on Broadway. Left on Riverfront Dr. Left over Bridge to Clinton Center Plaza. |