Program Directors
Program managers develop and implement organizational planning specific to their programs. Directors plan, organize, and execute fundraiser events that are within the overall vision and mission of the Arkansas Freedom Fund (AFF). This includes but is not limited to setting achievable goals, budgeting, managing event deadlines and using best practices. Organizational transparency must be managed and is a vital part of the AFF's relationship with its members and community partners. Program managers must be strategic thinkers able to lead and develop a team that is dedicated to the veterans and the communities they operate in.
ATTENTION: Please make sure the you sign the agreement form to attend the event that you are signing up for. The form is on each event page. Thank you!
Fishing Program Manager Arkansas
Freedom Angler Coordinator:
Assistant Coordinator - . Lobo Landing John Pickell Memorial Trout Day and Central Arkansas Fishing Opportunities for Veterans: Contact Bob Elliot and Darryl Morris, US Air Force Veterans for fishing trips on Lake Hamilton and Lake Catherine. This is discounted when you say you are a AFF Member. Contact through Hooked on Heroes provides fishing opportunities through tournaments in the state. Contact: Roger at (501)381-4456 or Email [email protected]. The United Methodist Mens Group leads the Summer John Pickell Memorial Red River Fishing Day at Lobo Landing. |
Arkansas Freedom Fund Golf Program
Program Director (Open)
Assistant Program Director (Open)
The Golf Program Director must be able to fill the position of director as defined above.
The Golf Program is a great way to come together with the community and Arkansas Veterans. The golf program offers equipment that can be checked out by members on a first come first serve basis. The AFF as relies heavily on your volunteer hours to facilitate these annual events. Please Volunteer or checkout equipment by contacting the golf points of contact below. Annual Freedom Scramble - Freedom Fall Scramble - Open, We want to Thank Jack and Mark Ramer for two years of this event they combined over 26000.00 for the AFF. |
Arkansas Freedom Fund Hiking Program
Hiking Program Director (OPEN)
Hiking & Trail Program Leader Position
If you are interested in filling this position you must be willing to organize hikes that accommodate a broad range of physical abilities and experience. The Hiking & trail program director must be able to fill the position of director as defined above. AFF waivers must be on file for each hike. |
Arkansas Freedom Fund Hunting Program
Martial Arts
A budgeted part of the AFF is the Martial Arts area. We want to help people achieve their potential. Anthony Smith Sr US Army Retired competes around the globe and is world ranked.
Anthony provides motivational speaking engagements and demonstrations for schools, civic groups and travels extensively throughout the US defending his world championships. Help us as we help him excel. |